Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Lightening Strikes Again

Here is our 2nd son Dylan at birth and a very tired Nancy. Poor guy...such a traumatic way to start life. It's funny...I always thought the first time I would see my son born it would bring tears of joy to my eyes and it would be this totally emotional thing, but it wasn't. Don't get me wrong...it was still very special and Justin's birth is one of the greatest events in my life, but it didn't get me the way I thought it would. I suppose in hindsight it had to do with the fact I had no idea what to expect with birth and raising a child. I was probably preoccupied with a lot of things. So I thought the birth of my second would be no different. Everything up to birth was pretty standard. I was calm and collected. I pretty much knew what to expect.

Dylan came out and I cut his umbilical cord. They passed Dylan into my arms and as I held him for the first time listening to him cry with helplessness and innocence I suddenly felt a frog grow in my throat and my eyes watered up and I wanted to cry because I felt his sadness...I truly felt connected to this little one on a primal level. For those of you who have never cut an umbilical cord...it's not as easy as you might think. Getting back...I felt very emotional...honestly I'm not sure where it was coming from, but it was coming from somewhere. Gosh...I think I would be a complete sap if Nancy and I were to ever have a girl. Make note that this of course will not happen. I am personally satisfied and feel fulfilled with having 2 sons. I would love to have a daughter, but a girl is something I have no desire to stress about...especially when she becomes a teenager.

I'm happy and grateful to God for blessing me again with another beautiful healthy child. I hope that Justin doesn't read this and thinks that his birth was any less monumental because he shouldn't. Justin is my 1st born and I love him more than he can imagine. The first pic is of Dylan about a little less than 3 weeks old. The 2nd pic is of Justin having a sherbert ice cream at a store somewhere on Venice Beach. We had a father and son day. Nancy and I thought that Justin needed a day to feel extra special and that he should get some individual attention instead of having to compete with his newborn brother. We had a great time.

My Pride and My Joy.

God has truly blessed Nancy and I. We are honored to be bestowed by God to be stewards to these two little boys.


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