Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Brother For Life

One of my favorite things to see is Justin taking on the role of Big Brother. As he becomes a more competent human being he tries to comfort his younger brother when he seems under duress or entertain him or just hold him because he wants to feel responsible for his younger sibling. Of course this doesn't mean he succeeds in these endeavors...as you can see he has not quite perfected the holding of the brother...it generally looks more like "I'm about to drop my brother", but effort goes a long way in my book. There is also "I'm trying to hug my brother", but in reality "I'm crushing my brother"It's wonderful to see his love grow and whether Dylan feels the same is unknown till he talks...I personally think Dylan loves every moment. I feel joy for my boys knowing that they have each other. Here is Dylan and Nancy just posing. I wish all of you could witness the power of Dylan giving you a smile and cooing at you. It's so dang cute...all you women would just melt. When he wears that blue jacket with his hoodie...he looks like that blue bear at the Morning Glory stores.
Watch out ladies because Dylan of 90020 is on the prowl.


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