Busy Season Almost To An End
Nancy and I have been working tirelessly...more her than me...but don't count me out...I have been working hard in other ways...just not the traditional behind the desk kind of work. April 15th being the deadline for corporate tax season we are all looking forward to a bit of normalcy in our family scheduling. When the weather is nice enough for me to take Dylan outside I will sometimes walk over to Nancy's work so that she can feed Dylan. The weather has been pretty nice in Los Angeles over the past week. Here are some pics of our outing. Here is Dylan pondering whether if he would like to catch the LA Philharmonic perform that night at the Disney Music Hall. I counseled him against it due to the fact that it would be hard to squeeze it into his schedule between bath time and going to bed.
We are always so busy looking at our feet or inside our heads I don't think we urbanites take the time to appreciate the beauty of the urban palm trees surrounding us in the Downtown area. Dylan on the other hand enjoys his view. New York does have that concrete jungle feel, but here in LA our Downtown has more of slightly dirty outdoor mall with really tall palm trees feel. Hmmm...spell the fresh smog...we're all dying to smell it...hahaha.
These pictures are outside at the commons dining area near her building. 

Dylan is a favorite amongst her co-workers. They love to just hold him and take in his innocence and cuteness. Especially, during this time of high stress and tons of work. He is a reminder of what's really important in this world and a break from the daily challenges in life that can easily consume us. Have you hugged a baby or puppy today? Like Ari Gold would say..."Let's hug it out."
This last pic is from a different day, but I thought it was a nice pic of Nancy and Dylan.