Before we left for Taiwan...Justin had an accident in daycare where he "tripped" by "himself" and banged his front teeth into a cubby hole...I am not wholly convinced of the happened 2 days before we left. His upper gum and 2 front teeth were severely traumatized...the dentist did not want to take x-rays because of the instability of the front teeth. The dentist said, that if his teeth were fractured we would have to extract his teeth out. If they were not...then the gums would heal, but his teeth would be set lower because of the trauma and would probably fall out sooner. Well, today we picked Justin up early from Taiwan daycare, took him to a dentist here in Taiwan, had x-rays taken, and it turned out his 2 front teeth were fractured. So...out they came and let me tell you

...hearing my son cry because of the fear and pain nearly broke my heart and my stomach puke. I can watch sick medical programs and watch gory things, but I guess hearing my son's crying hit something inside of me that I had not even realized existed. I was trying to figure out how the dentist was going to pull out the second tooth after puling out the first one...I figure once Justin feels the pain on the first tooth they was no way my stubborn kid was going to let this dentist anywhere near his second tooth. The dentist was efficient like an assassin...Justin was lost in pain and shock...before Justin knew it his second tooth was taken out. Considering everything...Justin was pretty brave through the whole incident...he sat down in the dentist chair like a man...cried like a little boy...dealt with the aftermath relatively well...ended victorious like a king because he got himself a $80 Thomas the Tank Engine Aqua Doodle set for being brave.

Nancy likes to spoil our kids. I personally would of just left it with a hug and some encouraging words, but that's just me. We were supposed to spend the rest of the evening out as a family and maybe catch Spiderman 3, but we decided that was enough excitement for the rest of the night.

I'm still a bit pissed off that Justin got hurt like this though. I'm a pretty relaxed parent when it comes to general injuries or fights...boys will be boys mentality...but when you entrust someone to take care of your child you don't necessarily ever expect this. Overall...what's done is least Justin wasn't seriously seriously injured...thank God for that. He's still smiling...just with 2 less teeth.