Living in the city makes it more challenging to find a playground or park. Los Angeles is not like New York where there is a Central Park in the middle of a major metropolitan area. Fortunately, there are little pockets here and there where you can find a playground. One of the safer and better playgrounds is on 8th and Hope on the FIDM campus. There is grass, a small path to follow, and small playground for kids to play on. This past Monday (2/25/08) I took the boys to this playground. One thing that this playground lacks is a swing, but other than that it's a decent playground. The best part is the playground is not ghetto, it's clean, and it feels safe. Here are the pictures from the day.

Here is Justin trying to use the rings. He gets stuck on the first one.

Justin was a pretty brave kid at one years old. Justin would generally go down most slides with no fear, but Dylan is on another level. He will go down any slide and go down head first.

I love this shot because here is Justin and Dylan holding on to each other and sliding down together.

It's really fun to watch these guys grown up. It's pretty obvious how much Dylan looks up to his brother and even though Justin doesn't like to admit it he really loves his younger brother.

Here is Justin and Dylan going down another slide.

One of the things Dylan likes to do is dance these days. If you sing "Ring Around The Roses" he gets really excited.

Especially, when you get to the part "Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down". Here is Dylan showing his excitement.

I try my best to capture brotherly moments of the boys together so that when Justin and Dylan look back in life they can see how close they are. I want them to understand from the beginning of time that they are tied together. So when they have their montage of flash backs of early childhood they see how intertwined their lives are. Here are some lucky shots I got of them.

Here is Dylan giving me the goofy smile for me.

Here are the boys playing around a water fountain. Don't worry...I had my eyes on them every second...well except when I was taking the pictures...hahaha. Just kidding...I was ready to throw the camera to the ground or into the water at a moments notice.

There is a cafe by the campus that we made a pit stop at for drinks. Here are the boys sitting together and enjoying a moment.

I normally feel like I might have had kids too soon because I have not achieved whatever goals I might have set in life. Having kids definitely create challenges in one's career...especially in a fledgling acting whatever happens in my's okay because I have two amazing boys that I love so much. I would be lying if I said that giving up my acting career is okay because of Justin and Dylan, but the truth is they are the only reasons that I ever could give up my dream without regret. My dream would have to shift to making it possible to make their dreams come true. The great thing about having kids not too old is that I have the energy to keep up with them. least most days...hahaha.
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