Well, if my memory serves me right I think I made some sort of resolution to blog better for the year 2008 and like many resolutions I have failed. I do have to say with my schedule that it has become increasingly more difficult to blog. During the day is nearly impossible unless I choose to completely ignore Dylan which is pretty impossible. There are the evenings...except on the nights I am home I cannot get on my computer because Nancy occupies my desk working on work and blogging doesn't seem like an important enough task to kick her out of my desk. By the time I put the kids to sleeps and she gets off (around after 12:30am)...blogging is one of the last things I want to do. On the nights I work...I get home around 12:30am-1:30am...after catching up with my emails, checking and submitting for auditions, reading a little news and sports, again blogging doesn't seem all that important. Especially, since I don't feel like I have anything important to say nor do I have any cute pictures of my kids. So for this blog I am combining some random photos I have taken over the month of January. Here is Justin doing a little water color painting at a church friends' (Naomi and Caitlyn) joint birthday party. Here is Dylan also participating in water color painting. Here is a rated X picture I took one night when I was bored. A mouse fornicating with another mouse. This next picture looks like a normal picture of a child's toy, but look carefully what is inside. On this particular night we were having hot pot and had boiled some corn for the kids. Normally, Dylan runs around with the whole cob in his mouth. He ran back asking for another corn on the cob, but had no prior cob with him. I was concerned maybe he left it under the bed or worse somewhere under the blankets. I couldn't find it so I just hoped that he had disposed of it properly in the garbage can. Well, later on in the evening Nancy found it. Dylan had dropped it down his toy. The whole family got a good laugh from it. If you wondering...I had to take apart the toy to get the corn out. These last three pictures are pretty monumental because this was probably the first time that Justin and Dylan really played something together. Normally, Justin plays with something and Dylan gets in his way. Or Dylan plays with something and Justin jacks his brother. Especially, since the Spin City Hot Wheels is Justin's favorite it is monumental that he is sharing with his brother. It was a real joy to watch them play in harmony and balance. Dylan even copied his brother and made car noises. It is times like this that I know my nagging Justin to take care of his dong seng (younger brother) is paying off.
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