Every Monday I have to take care of both Justin and Dylan. One of the things we do is go to Kid's Space in Pasadena. A hands on interactive place where kids learn about nature, science, arts, and different monthly topics. Usually, we go and hang by ourselves, but this time Justin made a friend named Miles. We initially arrived around lunch time (12pm) and decided to have lunch there. Justin finished his lunch first and wanted to play in the building blocks area which was in front of the dining area. So I let him go first while I finished feeding Dylan. Don't worry...I kept a good eye on him...not because I was afraid he might get kidnapped, but more for the fact that I was worried he might cause a problem with another kid. Anyways...there were 3 other boys playing and building. Two of them were brothers and the other kid was Miles. At first all the boys were building a structure, but then later on it became about building a big structure and all of them crashing into it and destroying it. One kid even said he was Godzilla. Boys will be boys. Then it progressed into throwing the foam blocks at each other and dodging them. And using the longer foam blocks as jousting sticks or swords. I had to intervene a couple of times, but most of the part I let Justin be and just reminded him to act with manners even if other kids might not. Eventually, the brothers left and Miles and Justin were left...plus Dylan was also in the mix by now.
Boys are naturally competitive and I say this because Miles and Justin would start racing their wagon wheels or just running back and forth with the intention of winning. Actually I think Justin initiated the whole winning things by constantly adding, "I win" after beating the Miles in these races. It got to a point where Miles got frustrated and went over to his mommy and said, "I don't want to play with Justin anymore...he's not my friend." He got tired of losing every time. The thing is Justin didn't win all the time...he just always said that he did...and that was even more frustrating to Miles. Generally because Justin is a little bit older and is actually a fast runner it was not very fun to lose...plus even if Miles did win or was close...Justin would insist that he won and wouldn't concede out of niceness to the younger Miles. You see why he got frustrated. I tried getting Justin to let Miles win, but instead he decided to change the subject by convincing everyone to go over to the tricycle area. At first it turned out to be a good solution, but one things Justin has always been really good at since the first day he learned is riding tricycles and riding them fast. In the beginning Justin would just cruise, but as time progressed he would start to just burn through the course. There would be times where he would just roll up to Miles and accelerate and pass him. The straw that broke the camels back was when they were both taking this corner and neither of them was letting up and in the turn I think a little wheel rubbing happened and Miles ended up sliding out and bailing on the tricycle. It was kinda of like watching NASCAR and the Tour De France...it was sort of funny in a weird way...you had to be there...it's not funny that Miles bailed, but watching two kids with helmets on tricycles racing with such determination looking at each other side to side to see if they are gaining any position seemed really ridiculous. Getting back to the story...after crashing Miles was ready to cry and totally ready to never be friends with Justin. I quickly made Justin apologize and then made the suggestion that Miles should ride together on the back of Justin's 2 seater tricycle. This idea saved the friendship because now they were on the same team instead of opposing each other. Here they are riding with each other and taking turns driving.
As you can tell...both parties are enjoying this arrangement much better. Later on they got tired of riding and decided to go indoors to look at the bugs. They ended up painting on the water leaf for bit.
If you are wondering where Dylan is in all of this excitement...Dylan being Dylan...he just sits on the side lines chilling and of course laughing at his brother.
Of course after awhile Dylan likes to get into whatever Justin gets into. So Dylan starts to paint. His style has the essence of Pollock.
After painting we all then went on a nature walk. Here is a picture of them goofing around on the spider web.
Eventually we had to part ways as the boys closed down the park. They hugged he other and thanked each other for the good time. Justin really liked meeting Miles and called him his best friend. He hopes to see him at Kid's Space again. We would get home and after a long day of play and a good bath. Here are the Pak brothers sitting in bed together watching a little TV. It looks like Justin is picking his nose, but he is actually scratching the side of his nose.
Dylan definitely knows how to ham it up on camera. I don't know about the boys, but I was pooped and slept well that night.