Halloween Parade
Every year Justin's school has a costume parade. All the kids dress up and walk around the MTA building and the employees give out candy to the kids. I missed last year due to work, but this year I had the honor of being the parent on hand. Justin dressed up as Buzz Lightyear and Dylan dressed up as a kangaroo. Here is Dylan walking around Justin's classroom as a kangaroo. Here I am with Dylan outside waiting for Justin's class to come out. One of Justin's friends named Aidan was dressed as Woody. There is a great story behind Aidan dressing up as Woody. Aidan's mom comes up me to one day and asks if Justin is dressing up as Buzz Lightyear. I say yes and ask why. She tells me how she had already picked out a construction worker outfit for him, but one day Aidan asks his mom if he could be Woody. Because Justin tells Aidan that Aidan is his best friend and Woody is Buzz Lightyear's best friend so Aidan should dress up as Woody. Turns out the mother went back to the store and bought Aidan a Woody outfit. They looked really cute together. So all of you who were wondering what Justin's friend Larry looks like...here he dressed up as Thomas The Train. Tu once asked me what the my point was in prior blog. I was supposed to get back and answer a point. I read that blog and I think my point was that parents can make a difference in their children's life...especially popularity and friends. Larry could have easily been a kid that Justin didn't have to like or be friends, but instead they are good buddies because I intervened and helped them through it. I hope that answers your question Tu. Here is some of Justin's other classmates. One of his classmates wore two outfits because I guess he wanted to wear both. I kind of saw it as Piglet eating up Tiger. The girl is Madison dressed up as Wonder Woman. Here again is Aidan, Larry, and Adam...he is a Red Power Ranger.This is Moises who is dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow...this was one of my favorite outfits. His outfit made me realize how some parents will spend some money on their kid's outfit. I'm guessing this out was not cheap, but it definitely looked good. Here are two other classmates dressed as some sort of warrior and a White Power Ranger . Here are some of his classmates getting ready for the parade. This was a tiring event because most of the time I had to carry Dylan in my left arm and take picture with my right arm. Dylan is no longer a light kid...he is actually pretty heavy and after holding him for 2 hours I thought my left arm was going to drop off. Spending holidays with children is great because you remember what these holidays are about. Halloween is not about just getting candy or going to the clubs and getting your drink on...it's about using your imagination and letting the inner child in you have fun. Halloween is one of few nights that you can dress up totally ridiculous and not be seen as a weirdo. Don't be afraid to let the inner child in you have fun.
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