Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Trip To The Pier

A couple of weeks ago we decided to go to Santa Monica and hang out around the pier. It was something we had not done as a family in a long time. It was something simple and something that started out relatively cheap. I think because we live Downtown we rarely ever go farther than past La Brea towards the west. Here is the family walking down Ocean Ave to get to the Santa Monica Pier. Here is Nancy and Dylan looking down at Justin and I at the end of the pier. Justin is checking out the boat that is docked and looking for pirate ships. Unfortunately, even on our days off Nancy has to take calls related to work. Here is Dylan being his goofy self. And Justin being goofy as well. Before as adults I could easily steer away from the amusement side of the pier, but with a 4 year old and a 1 year becomes virtually impossible to walk away without being asked to play some games or get on rides. Here is Justin driving a remote controlled hover craft. This cost 3 dollars for probably 5 minutes. And another 3 dollars gone with the remote controlled tug boat. Oh well, look how much fun he is having. My Dad would not let me have done these things because he felt that money can be spent in better ways. So I guess I try to go the opposite because I remember when I wanted to do these things as a kid. Justin wanted to try his luck on this ladder carnival game to win a prize. This game is really really really hard. I don't think most adults can win unless they are truly experienced. I knew that he wouldn't make it so I asked the person in charge to hold the ladder so that at least he felt like he almost made it to the top and then he could let go. Here is Dylan playing skee ball his way. Here is family posing at the gate of the amusement park on our way out. After a long day here are the boys enjoying bath time. I'm sure the boys will someday complain that I put this last picture.


At 8:47 PM , Blogger nicole said...

hey guys,
i just about had the worst day EVER taking care of avery and samantha all day by myself. your post brought me much needed smile and hope knowing that i will have those days too once the girls get a little older. love reading your blog!

At 3:22 AM , Blogger Tiger Meets Panda said...

Don't worry Nicole...we've all had those days. Sometimes I just want to sit there and cry. The good news is that it only gets worse...j/k...there is always a light at the tunnel. You're doing a great job. The kids are lucky to have you and Ben.


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